Saturday, October 8, 2011

First night....

So tonight is the first night of different sleeping arrangements. Sarah and Sophia are sharing a room again for now and Sydney is asleep in her own room swinging away in her swing. I have got to get this last baby sleeping through the night better and better. Hopefully less wakings.
So I put sydney to sleep first and then finished up baths with Sarah and Sophie. Then me and the girls went down waits to have some Popsicles (frozen gogurts shhhhh) and then we came up stairs to read a story and then said our prayers and tucked em in. Sophie screamed and cried for 10min! Ahhhhhhh I thought it was never gonna end! Went in and gave her back her paci and ave her a hug and she seemed to calm down and finally fell asleep. Let's home they stay that way. Lol!
I retired to my own room!!!! I haven't had my room to myself for a long time! And free to make noise and free to watch a show! It was lovely :) I put away piles of laundry and I took a long bath! And watching a silly soap called basketball wives. Now to go to sleep and hopefully not wake to many time :)

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