Thursday, October 13, 2011

oh yeah!

So its been a few days and its going great.! 
the sleeping arrangements that is. I am happy to announce that it wasn't all peaches and cream in the beginning specially the first night but now Sophia is getting used to it. She is the only one who rebelled against the idea of new sleeping arrangements. She screamed for about 15min the first night, 10 min the next night, and 5 min the next... the funny part is she is totally fine for naps doesn't cry AT ALL! but bed time when her sis is in the room is when she screams! so i partly think it was because she doesn't want to share with her sis (kinda having that battle going) and partly cause she is like "wait why am i stuck under this thing" lol well I'm happy to say despite of all that its going wonderful and i can't even express in to words how fun it is to have my room back to myself at night and to be able to move around and when my hubby is home i don't have to tell him to roll over when he starts snoring. off subject but I LOVE his snoring! yeah i know silly crazy weird all the above. but yes I do I LOVE it. it soothes me and puts me right to sleep. (another story another time)
Well Sydney wakes a couple of time and i thought i would hate getting up and getting her but actually its nice cause i know as soon as we r done nursing i can wrap her back up and lay her back down and i get to have uninterrupted sleep and same with her. she doesn't do the "snacking" feeds anymore and mommy gets way more zzzzz's :) 
So I'm happy this is all working out for the better for us all!

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