Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Little unexpected journey's

When you least expect it and put the least amount of work into it, it seems thats where you finally uncover the treasure!
Last week we decided to eat out at Wendy's (we never eat there) and as usual Sarah found someone to talk to at the table next to us. The girl had made a comment that Sarah should be on t.v. and I know we are all partial to our own kids but I really appreciate all the comments and I have to say that i agree and of course I do right? as a mom who wouldn't be flattered? right?? 
So she gave us the modeling agency she works with I thanked her and was very excited to give it a shot.
It may sound funny to pray about that sorta thing but I also know God wants us to ask even for the little things in life and he will meet us there if its meant to be, so I did I gave it to God and figured he knew best if this is where we should have Sarah and knowing what a great way to save for her college education I have been really been considering this. 
So I submitted some photos and filled out a questionnaire and waited for a reply. That evening I got a reply!! They asked me for more photos a good sign! and after they received them they got back to me right away! and asked me to get her a work permit and fill out their paper work.! I did right away so i was so anxious.! So I got a confirmation email and they said that they for sure want to work with her and to wait for a phone call in the next couple of days to get going. 
So hopefully by this summer we will be driving all over for auditions! 
This is'nt just a brag blog...but a praise report also! cause I really have been praying about this and that if its supposed to happen for Sarah that it would just happen with little to none effort. and so far it is! I truly believe this is one of the many ways I can get my Princess Pie to save for college and it will make for some great memories for her to maybe show her kids one day and my grandchildren...oh all the fun possibilities!
Life is fun! So im trying to take advantage of it.!
Sarah I love you soo much and you make my life so happy and adventurous!

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