Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sick days....

I'm grateful for they don't come around here very often. My poor Sarah princess pie woke up this morning around 1am throwing up. After mommy did alot of cleaning and changing of sheets (needless to say I only went to bed a couple of hours prior) we snuck downstairs and watched a movie and she continued to throw up :( my poor girlie. I hate seeing my baby sick and something this mommy (who wants to fix everything) can't.!! Isn't that the most frustrating thing about motherhood? We can't fix it all and sometimes we have to watch our babies suffer :(
I took the night shift so to speak. I needed husband to be rested enough to help out today so I stayed up and nurtured our baby girl. Fed Sydney a couple of times and then crawled into bed about 5ish and woke up hubby to go down and be with Sarah. I think I got a couple of hours of sleep... Maybe?
Sarah has been sleeping for a few hours now let's hope it's a few more. I am doing lots of praying and spraying. Yep you read that right. Walking around praying over my family and spraying everything they touch with Lysol. Windows and doors open and fan on so we can kill and air out bad germs.
And let's not forget to mention I'm on my second cup of coffee and maybe even a 3rd later today. Its time like this I will admit I wish Sydney wanted formula. Then I can be all hyped up on caffeine and it wouldn't affect anyone but me. but ok ok ok I won't do it... Yet. Lol hehehe
Ok well our spirits r still up as of now. But we r accepting prayers for us today. Never really ask for much but this I would so appreciate :-)
And I know this is silly but when I post it on Facebook it really does help when people respond saying they will pray. I love having that quick instant connection with friends from all over.
Thanks friends


Jennifer Willey said...

Get better pretty girl. We're thinking of you. Being sick just isn't fun.

~Mrs. Hughes said...

awe. poor thing! feel better girl!