Monday, January 24, 2011

Day #1 !

We started our timer at 10am. the school bell (micro timer) rang and we were in session, Sarah and I got our books, pencils, markers and energy to the table :)
We started off with the weather check and agreed its a beautiful day and then did our first activity. You match up the weather with what clothes you would wear in that kind of weather. She did great and didn't even need my guidance.
Next we practiced writing her name and age. and she got a sticker on her paper :) Sarah favorite! STICKERS! lol
This week is dinosaur week! So we learned about TRex and Triceratops today, read a little story about each dinosaurs, colored a picture and then did some counting fun on print-outs with the dinosaurs we were learning about.
Next was scissors fun! I had printouts that I got from a fantastic book I found off amazon and if you know Sarah you would know she loves scissors! So she had to follow directions and follow the lines to where it was asking her to follow. And again with no help or guidance she did great and begged for more!
What kid asks for more school work? I dunno but I dont want to burn us out on the first day! So this is why I broke our schedule down to 3 hrs throughout the day.
Our first hour is over and its now break time/ snack-time/ mommy blogging time.! yay!
My goal for this school year & 1/2 is to be sure its based on FUN! and making it so she wants to learn!
So we can check off the 3 "R's" reading, writing, arithmetic & fine motor skills for this morning all with in one short and sweet hour! yay for teacher and student!

So... our next hour starts at 12pm and starts off with lunch which I have included in our lesson plan and after our yummy lunch we will move on to our next subjects.
Art & Science :)
Stay tuned....

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