Saturday, January 22, 2011


So that was a wild adventure! Glad its over with!
for the past 24hrs i had a nasty stomach bug that left me pretty much disabled to even care for my own children... Thank God for my mother in law who came to the rescue and picked up the girls for a over night stay. I spent the day sick and out of it and really praying for a 24hr bug only. I slept alot and tried to regain my strength.
I woke up this morning feeling soooooo much better i cleaned, sanitized, and showered. I got it all back to working order in the house and while my little Sarah doesnt want to come home I am missing them like crazy.
My husband had to work last night so he can be off tonight. Im resting and waiting patiently for him to awake so we can go get our girls.!
Ill take this time to rest and recover and rehydrate myself, and baby Sydney who i think is very happy now that im not throwing every thing up (sorry).
We usually dont get sick much but it seems this winter everything is going around and we have been catching most of it. I wish people with sick kids no matter how hard it is to stay indoors would. Its so not fun to pass things around. Even if it means missing a fun event its better in the long run to just laylow and recover so that not everyone and their mom gets it!
with that all said im gonna go enjoy some online retail therapy. it always seems to cheer me up. :)

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